Frequently asked questions

Need-based or merit-based scholarships available?

Yoora CRM offers the most affordable, comprehensive platform to manage the entire customer journey, from generating leads, to closing deals and supporting your customers. With a full suite of CRM, sales enablement, marketing automation, and help desk/customer support capabilities, it’s all you need to manage the entire customer lifecycle. Most of our competitors offer one or two of these functions as separate products, leaving you with the headache of integrating them and increasing the overall price point.

Is Securing Degrees exclusive to low-income students?

Yoora CRM offers the most affordable, comprehensive platform to manage the entire customer journey, from generating leads, to closing deals and supporting your customers. With a full suite of CRM, sales enablement, marketing automation, and help desk/customer support capabilities, it’s all you need to manage the entire customer lifecycle. Most of our competitors offer one or two of these functions as separate products, leaving you with the headache of integrating them and increasing the overall price point.

Can Securing Degrees help international students?

Yoora CRM offers the most affordable, comprehensive platform to manage the entire customer journey, from generating leads, to closing deals and supporting your customers. With a full suite of CRM, sales enablement, marketing automation, and help desk/customer support capabilities, it’s all you need to manage the entire customer lifecycle. Most of our competitors offer one or two of these functions as separate products, leaving you with the headache of integrating them and increasing the overall price point.

Resources for non-traditional students available?

Yoora CRM offers the most affordable, comprehensive platform to manage the entire customer journey, from generating leads, to closing deals and supporting your customers. With a full suite of CRM, sales enablement, marketing automation, and help desk/customer support capabilities, it’s all you need to manage the entire customer lifecycle. Most of our competitors offer one or two of these functions as separate products, leaving you with the headache of integrating them and increasing the overall price point.

Scholarships or all academic disciplines covered?

Yoora CRM offers the most affordable, comprehensive platform to manage the entire customer journey, from generating leads, to closing deals and supporting your customers. With a full suite of CRM, sales enablement, marketing automation, and help desk/customer support capabilities, it’s all you need to manage the entire customer lifecycle. Most of our competitors offer one or two of these functions as separate products, leaving you with the headache of integrating them and increasing the overall price point.